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Who am I?

A joyful yoga teacher, experienced burn out coach

My name is Marina, 47 years old, French from nationality but Dutch adopted.

I am an optimist by nature but have been through quite some challenges in my life. A divorce, a burn out and the loss of my job which defined me at the time to name a few.

I have learned to accept that life is not this long, peaceful path and that avoiding conflict, pain and obstacles is not a way of living. Finding this "Force Tranquille" within is key.

Living is accepting the reality and understanding that at every moment you have a choice to change the way you see and act towards things, ultimately making a life you want.

I took a professional u-turn in 2019 which took me from being a high-performing banker to becoming a soulful yoga teacher and a burn out coach. My purpose is to support others in finding ease in their life and putting a smile back on their face through yoga and a mindful living.


Portrait chinois 

I see myself as this crazy ballerina: smile, be present, stand up for yourself but also have fun and learn how to not sweat the small stuff.


My story

My background is in the corporate world where I was a bank executive for 15 years.

I have experienced high intensity and pressured environment and how it can impact both your body and mind…and how easy it can be to forget about your own boundaries.

Yoga helpt me to let go of the negativities during my life crisis but I discovered later that this was a way of licing not just a phase. It is today my anchor into this ever changing world. It is my morning coffee! Yoga supports me daily to accept myself and the world the way it is, to let go of self judgement that does not serve me and find my legendary smile again...

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My Mission

​Eradicating burn out from this world by supporting amazing women on the path of lightness, ease and serenity. ​


As a certified yoga teacher my diverse yoga practice and qualifications showed me ways to handle stressful situations and I now wish to pass this knowledge on to you...


Because we are all unique and have changing needs, I love to mix yogas: vinyasa, mindful, yin, nidra and make up a fun and surprising sequence for you, just the way I live my life!


My specialty is business yoga, private personalized yoga programs, online vinyasa and yin group classes to support both companies and professionals.

My values

Simplicity - Joy - Authenticity


I see myself like this disciplined ballerina who takes life as light as a feather, thrives to achieve while being spontaneous and joyful like a child.


My background

The ultimate goal of my yoga teaching is to make you happier


15 years of executive professional experience

I am very discipline like a banker from my past experience, I keep the goal always in mind but I focus also on the way to get there.


yoga teacher

Certified from top international yoga schools

200 hours RYT Vinyasa yoga teacher training
100 hours RYT Yin yoga teacher training
50 hours training yoga and mindfulness
MBSR: 8 weeks training
Transforming Stress & Burnout workshop

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Multi lingual
French and English

Born and raised in France, living in the Netherlands since 2 decades. Teaching in French or English - Dutch only for kids for now.

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Connect with me

​Ready to change your life and embrace a journey to your best self?


Book your free session to confirm our common fit

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